Tri-Cities Washington Region

Tri-Cities WA Guide is primarily focused on Tri-Cities Washington but does include information for other towns and cities within an hour or so drive from the Tri-Cities. A list of cities & counties with links to maps is provided below.

Tri-Cities and Nearby Communities

The red dots on the map below show Tri-Cities Washington in relation to other nearby communities for which information is provided by Tri-Cities WA Guide.

A map of the Tri-Cities WA Area

Detailed Maps

View a more detailed map of the Tri-Cities. Maps for individual communities and counties are available below.

Community Slogans

Each community in this region has a slogan that describes what it is about. When viewed collectively they summarize the overall "community spirit" of this region.

A sample of slogans is listed below:

  • A Great Place To Call Home
  • A Tuscany Sort of Place
  • Atomic Town
  • Birthplace of the Washington Wine Industry
  • Catch the Vision
  • Experience 300 days of Sunshine
  • Take a Closer Look
  • Washington's Great Escape
  • Welcome to Where The Real West Lives!
  • Wine Country

Counties in Southeast Washington

Collage of county website images

Here is a list of counties in Southeast Washington that are within an hour or so drive from the Tri-Cities.

Communities in Northeast Oregon

Collage of city website images

Here is a list of communities in Northeast Oregon that are within an hour or so drive from the Tri-Cities.

Counties in Northeast Oregon

Collage of county website images

The following county in Northeast Oregon is just south of the Tri-Cities.

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