About this website...

I'm Jim McIntyre and author of Tri-Cities WA Guide. I first published this website in December 2007 to help organize my bookmarks as a result of my Internet dumpster diving while researching my interests about the Tri-Cities Washington area. This guide is my personal project (unpaid hobby) and is provided as a community benefit.

This guide focuses primarily on the non-profit/non-commercial organizations that enable us to enjoy many activities and things to do in this region. In addition, this guide covers more than just the Tri-Cities - it provides information for Yakima, Moses Lake, Walla Walla, Pendleton and other communities within an hour or so drive from the Tri-Cities.

Most of the visitors to this website are from the Tri-Cities and Seattle regions. Volunteer opportunites, social clubs & groups, "nightlife" music, attractions, wineries, performing arts, farmers' markets, and outdoor activities have always been popular topics of interest.

Note: lodging, dining, and shopping related experiences are not emphasized on this website...

What others have said about this website...

  • "Just moved here? Or don't know what's cool to do here? This website is a FANTASTIC resource, even if you have lived here for a good while. Clubs, sports, groups, social activites, arts, history, museums, books, music, breweries, distilleries, scenic byways, farmers markets, wineries... you name it, it's here. Includes: Tri-Cities, Prosser, Walla Walla, and the surrounding area."
  • "Check out this awesome website that lists all farmers' markets in the Mid-Columbia, along with local food and farm producers, food co-operatives, and fresh fruit and product stands."
  • "An Under-the-Hood Guide to Community Culture including Clubs, Annual Events, and Awesome Organizations."
  • "Wow! This is the most comprehensive guide to the Tri-Cities and surrounding areas that I have ever seen. Jim McIntyre has compiled this fantastic resource of information, and it contains everything you ever want to know about the area. Looks like a labor of love to be sure!"
  • "Here's an awesome website for clubs and groups in the Tri-Cities area and I hadn't even looked at the other links - he's got listed activities, destinations, maps, publications, geographical information, community information ....."
  • "One of the best sources for volunteers is The Tri-Cities Guide, with more than 200 non-profit organizations seeking help."
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