I'm Jim McIntyre and author of Tri-Cities WA Guide. I first published this website in December 2007 to help organize my bookmarks as a result of my Internet dumpster diving while researching my interests about the Tri-Cities Washington area. This guide is my personal project and is provided as a community benefit.
This guide focuses on the non-profit/non-commercial organizations that enable us to enjoy many activities and things to do in this region. In addition, this guide covers more than just the Tri-Cities - it provides information for Yakima, Moses Lake, Walla Walla, Pendleton and other communities within an hour or so drive from the Tri-Cities. Note: lodging, dining, and shopping related experiences are not published on this website.
Most of the visitors to this website are local to Tri-Cities area while the rest are from Seattle and other larger communities. Live music and performing arts, clubs & groups, farmers' markets, outdoor activities, wineries, breweries, local attractions, and volunteer opportunites have always been popular topics of interest.
Image and Trademark Copyrights
Both images and trademarks are copyrighted by their respective copyright holders. I do publish images that were obtained from the sources for which information is provided.
If you see an image that belongs to you and want credit for it or want the image removed or a different one used, please send me an email: jmm1116@charter.net.
Linking Policy and Sharing of Content
I encourage the sharing of content from this website. Copyright rules should be respected. Any link to this website to promote the sale of goods, services or causes is not permitted. Please give credit for any content that you share by providing a link to the source of the information. Note: I'm not interested in any reciprocal link exchange for the purpose of boosting traffic or visitors.
Product, Services and Activity Endorsements
I do not endorse any products, services and activities. All references on this website are for informational purposes, only.
Any website that mentions Tri-Cities WA Guide to promote goods, services or causes is not an endorsement from me.
This website is not a general business directory. Please do not contact me about commercial listings, promotions or advertising. Also, I'm not interested in linking to or publishing articles from other publishers.
Feedback & Content Submission
Feedback is encouraged, especially to point out errors and omissions. You may suggest appropriate content for this website that is freely accessible to the public and of community interest by sending me an email: jmm1116@charter.net.